Universal Arts Fringe

Universal Arts Fringe

More than a thousand promoters / presenters, directors of international festivals, programmers of inviting venues and independent producers come to Edinburgh to find new ideas and new shows.  Good reviews from here go a long way in Australia, US and Europe. For artists and companies, taking part in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe is an investment in the future.

For 2018, we are working in partnership with Scene Change Productions to bring Dan Freeman's A JOKE starring Sylvester McCoy, Robert Picardo and John Bett to the Assembly Rooms. It's being directed by Tony Cownie and designed by Neil Murray.

We are, once again, working with Teatr Biuro Prodrozy, the multi-award-winning Polish company. We are presenting their new show SILENCE in collaboration with the Pleasance Theatre Trust and Assembly  Festival and their 1995 Edinburgh hit Carmen Funebre (for four nights only). Carmen had the Bosnian war as a focus; SILENCE is a sequel, returning to the subject of war and its impact on civilian populations. The shows will be staged at Pleasance at the EICC | The Square.

A JOKE more info

Teatr Biuro Podrozy more info

"Universal Arts are a crucial part of the fabric of the Fringe, bringing music, theatre and dance from all over the world”  The Herald

Copyright ©2025 Universal Arts Ltd. 18 Queensferry Street, Edinburgh EH2 4QW, Scotland, UK
Contact: admin@universal-arts.co.uk • Phone: +44 (0)131 478 0195.
designed by tommedia